If you work in Texas and you are looking for a quality lab to perform your toxicology testing services, look no further than Texas Genetic Labs, LLC. Serving the state of Texas, we provide accurate testing results that are delivered back to the provider as quickly as possible so that you can share information with your own patients. We are your reliable, state of the art lab that delivers results when you need them fast.
Texas Drug Testing Lab Services
● Urine Drug Testing: Urine drug screenings are the most widely used and accepted form of drug testing. It is the only one approved by the U.S. government and therefore, we go above and beyond to follow procedures that are outlined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Negative results are reported within 24 hours, while positive screenings come back anywhere between 32-48 hours, some of the fastest times in the country.
● Oral Fluid Testing: When you need to know if someone has used a drug recently, the oral fluid test is the preferred method of choice. It is collected under direct supervision making it a tamper-resistant test. It is also minimally invasive and yields results as fast as a urine drug screen.
● Hair Drug Testing: With only a small sample of hair, we can determine the use of several different drugs within a patient’s system. With protocols and washing procedures, we provide accurate hair drug results, ensuring that external contaminants were not swaying the results.
Quality Lab
Our state of the art lab is more than capable of handling all of your toxicology testing needs. We test for hundreds of different types of drugs and pharmaceuticals, both legal and illicit. All of our results are given back to the ordering provider in a timely manner so that they can focus on the treatment of their patient. The most common (but certainly not limited to) drugs that we test for include:
● Amphetamines
● Barbiturates
● Opioids
● Synthetic Analgesics
● Tricyclic Antidepressants
● Benzodiazepines
● Alcohol
● Marijuana
● Cannabinoids
● Cocaine
● Morphine
Having trouble figuring out the best way way to test for a certain drug? No problem. Our team of experts is readily available and happy to discuss the best option for both you and your patient. For more information about our toxicology testing services or to learn more about our services in Texas, contact Texas Genetic Labs, LLC today at (877) 375-2165.