Pre Employment Drug Screen Dallas TX

Running a business in Dallas, TX has its highs and lows. When it comes to your employees, the goal is to hire reliable, educated, hardworking, committed individuals that have a passion for customer service. The interview process is incredibly important because it serves as the point in time where you can pick and choose which potential employees fit your needs. Have you been doing your due diligence to ensure that your employees are drug free? If not, you should consider teaming up with our staff at Texas Genetic Labs, LLC. Specializing in pre employment drug screening, we can give you the assurance of a drug free work force before and after your employees sign on to work for your organization.

Key Testing Timeframes

There is no perfect blueprint for successfully testing for drug use within your Dallas, TX business. Our lab specialists do encourage businesses to consider screening at the following times:

  • Pre Employment Drug Screening – Investing in an employee costs a lot of money. Requiring a pre employment drug screening will help to ensure that you do not hire any obvious drug users. Thanks to our competitive rates, you’ll be able to rest easier at night after making a new hire.
  • Post Employment Drug Screening – If someone is a drug user, they may be able to tamper with their pre employment drug screening and pass with flying colors. By committing to post employment drug screening, the goal is to catch new employees early on that may have picked up their drug habit again once employed.
  • Random Drug Screens – Keeping tabs on your employees will not only help you maintain a drug free environment, but it will also help your business financially. Drug use can affect an individual’s productivity, which in turn directly reduces the success of your business. Random drug screens will help keep your employees on their toes and remind them that drug use will not be tolerated.

Reliable Drug Screens Dallas TX

At Texas Genetic Labs, LLC, we don’t just test for the most common types of drugs. Drugs screened for include:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Methadone
  • Amphetamines
  • Opiates
  • PCP
  • Barbiturates
  • Alcohol
  • Many More

So, if you run a business in Dallas, TX and are looking for a drug testing provider that provides a quick response time and reliable results, our team at Texas Genetic Labs, LLC is here to help! Let our lab testing experts provide your organization with pre employment, post employment and random drug screenings to help ensure that you maintain a drug free work environment. Give us a call today at (877) 375-2165 to learn more about our drug screening services.